Grainfield early 1900s

Grainfield early 1900s

Grainfield early 1900s

Grainfield early 1900s

Grainfield looking from the West

Grainfield looking from the East early 1900s

Grainfield looking from the Northeast early 1900s

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Itinerary - 2010 Reunion

Grainfield Rural High School

Alumni Reunion

July 31, 2010

Alumni of 1920 – 1968


Registration and Social Hour 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Dinner 5:30 p.m.

Welcome – Kirby Gillespie, past president

Flag Salute

Invocation – Delmar Kaiser


Introduction of Officers – Delmar Kaiser

Class recognitions 1958, 1959, 1960 (50 yr.) / 1968 (40 yr.)

Presentation of remaining classes


Business Meeting

Entertainment by Harmony

School Songs

Closing Song – “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”


President……………………………………………………Steven Golden

Past President……………………………………………….Kirby Gillespie

Vice President………………………………………………Delmar Kaiser

Secretary……………………………………………………Antonia Waldman

Treasurer……………………………………………………Norma Zerr

Monday, August 30, 2010

2010 GRHS Alumni Attendees

1939 - Hugh Stubbs

1941 - Elmer & Agnes Berens

1944 - Loretta Eisenbise Shaw

1946 - Sally Hein Dinkel & Joe Dinkel
Emma Hartman Kaiser
Ruby Moore Bixenman & Fred Bixenman

1947 - Maxine Bechard Zerr & Leonard Zerr
Leona Meyer Carter

1948 - Virginia Katt Wildeman
Jim Kepherle

1949 - Geraldine Gillespie Shaw & Lee Shaw
Annunciata Wildeman Weber & Al Weber

1951 - Rosina Heier Kovar

1952 - Bill & Deanna Younger
Harold & Martha Hein
Jim & Carolyn Brungardt
Robert Kepferle

1953 - Edward Gagnon
Ethel Dechant Gillespie

1954 - Sylvester Engel
Deloris Ziegler Wasinger
Paula Younger Mitchell
Pauline Denk Barley

1955 - Delmar & Diana Kaiser
LeRoy & Joan Dinkel
Francis & Doreen Wildeman
Marilyn Dreher Petersen & William Petersen

1956 - Elaine Brungardt Selenke
Jeanine Gagnon Beamgard & Bill Beamgard

1957 - Norma Ziegler Zerr & Alex Zerr
Louise Kaiser Wildeman & Jacob Wildeman
Louella Dinkel Zerr & William Zerr

1958 - Gene & Joan Deges
Tina Kaiser Leiker
Joan Dinkel Zerr

1959 - Phil Zerr
David Gagnon
Jim Ziegler
Leon & Ellen Deges
Wilma Welton Geist
Ron Heier – Guests:
Eileen Heier Yeager & Marcella Heier
Freda Queen Hunt

1960 - Lorita Mooney Havel & Nelson Havel
Elaine Younger Kraft & Duane Kraft
Orvis Katt
Herbert Queen
Richard Ziegler
Janice Gagnon Arnhold & Nick Arnhold

1961 - Margaret Glick Beck & Jim Beck
Fern Welton Mader & Lon Mader
Bill & Laura Goetz
Yvonne Brungardt Pulsifer & Guest – Melinda Akright
Mike Potter

1962 - Bernard & Clementine Katt
Martin & Sharon Gagnon
Virgil & Trudy Deges

1963 - Verlene Heier Feldt
Antonia Zerr Waldman & Linus Waldman
Vera & Pat Younger
Kate Hein Schmidtberger
Virginia Ziegler Ochs & Larry Ochs
Louise Ziegler Wildeman
Don & Mary Hartman

1964 - Gary & Donna Goetz
Dorothy Glick Kistler & Don Kistler
Diana Ziegler Fisher
Judith Kline Arie

1965 - Richard & Colleen Wolf
Arlin & Janet Ziegler
Eugene & Janell Ziegler

1966 - Pat Zerr Evans & Joe Evans
Darold & Bev Zimmerman
Nancy Shaw Sumpter
Gary Gassmann
Don Wolf & Barb

1967 - Dwight & Kathy Hartman
Lucille Yale Williams & Kenneth Williams
Alvis Wade
Sylvia Queen Tanner
Charlene Heinrich Gassmann

1968 - Deb Berens Wade
Kirby Gillespie
Mary Lou Ziegler Wiedeman & Dale Wiedeman
Bill Wolf
Lester Shaffer
Ruth Ann Shaffer Pracht & Ronald Pracht

1969 - David & Debbie Welton
Bill & Bev (Cox) Summers
Donna Shaw Levy

1971 - Marcia Golden Roemer & Dennis Roemer

Friday, July 30, 2010

Deceased Alumni 2010

Florence Evelyn Orten Smith, 87, Class of 1940, passed away in Quinter, KS at the Long Term Care Facility on Monday, July 12, 2010. She was born December 10, 1922 in Grainfield, KS, the fifth of six children of George R. and Eva Alice Weekly Orten.
Florence married Roderick “Rod” Smith on November 22, 1941, in Shields, KS, at the home of their pastor’s parents. Rod passed away April 30, 1984.
Other deceased members of the class of 1940 include James Mattern, Dr. Joseph Mattern, Horace Shaw, Virgil Martin, Don Gillespie, Mary Hartman Struble, and Raymond Houser.

Vera Roberts, 91, class of 1938, died Monday, June 10 at 1:00 P.M. at the Long Term Care Facility in Quinter, Kansas. Vera was born October 12, 1918 at Jerome, Kansas, to George and Eva Alice Weekly Orten. She married Delmar Roberts from rural Gove, Kansas on August 18, 1938 and lived on their farm east of Gove. During her high school days she worked as bookkeeper at the elevator in Grainfield and also at the soda fountain at a station there. She played violin and performed at her graduation and at a Memorial Day service. In athletics, she played basketball. Vera and Delmar raised Herefords on their Roberts Hereford Ranch. They also grew crops of wheat, milo and alfalfa. In 1952, they moved to Quinter starting the Skogmo’s store. In school, she attended the Grainfield Methodist Church, the church in the Prairie View School while living in the country and later joined the United Methodist Church in Quinter. Other deceased members of the class of 1938 include George Ziegler, Ben Prewo, Virginia Gillespie Thomson, Pius Hartman, Lawrence Chapman, Harold Yowell, Francis Sutcliffe Watson, Dean Robertson, and Joy Gillespie Coberly.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Grainfield Opera House Window and Door Donors

All of the original 32 windows and doors to the Opera House have been sold. A newly added door to the ground entrance of the new second floor stairs is now available for $500.

Richard & Florence Roemer recently purchased the last available window.

Two new Opera House members have been added as well:
Brian Kaiser
Lavina Logan.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Grainfield T-Shirts

Some of the promotional materials being utilized by the Grainfield Community Development Committee are T-shirts. Below are two examples: (Click on image to enlarge and put it in its own window. You may have to use other methods to enlarge it further to be able to read it. Please read the information on how under the Pictures instructions on the right side of the web page.) Please follow this link for additional information: and scroll down to Fundraising: Designed and sold t-shirts.
Contact Information:
Nicole Godek - (785) 673-4219

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2010 Grainfield Rural High School Alumni Reunion

There will be a Reunion for Grainfield Rural High School Alumni at the American Legion in Grainfield, KS on Saturday, July 31, 2010.